Sábado de Aleluia 2010: [03.04.2001]
PARA: Todos os amados Bispos e irmãos da CATHOLIC CHARISMÁTIC CHURCH-CCC.
DE: Arcebispo John P. Walzer; Arquidiocese de St. Mary.
Contristado notifico, que nosso amado Patriarca Michael passou para as Santas e Veneráveis Mãos de Deus nosso Senhor, às cinco horas da manhã de Sexta-feira da Paixão de Cristo [02.04.2010].
Recorde-o, por favor, em suas orações, novena e Missas. Possa sua alma e as almas de todo o fiel à mercê do deus, descansar em paz. AMÉM! Com todas as bênçãos e orações apostólicas, Reverendíssimo John P. Walzer, D.D. e Chanceler Donald Brueggemann, J.D.
"Holy Saturday 2010: TO: All my beloved brother Bishops of the CCC; FROM: Archbishop John P. Walzer; Archdiocese of St. Mary: As I pray that all of you have been notified, our beloved Patriarch Michael passed into the Lord’s Hands at five o’clock A.M. Good Friday morning. Please remember him in your prayers, novena’s and Masses. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful to the mercy of God, rest in peace. AMEN On record, we have an archbishop co-adjutor, Archbishop Robert Jones. In speaking with him, his poor health will prevent him from taking an active roll in the administration of the CCC. On December 10, 2009, the Patriarch assigned me the task of administering and reviewing the Canons,Constitution and Guidelines of the CCC. Common to all Catholic jurisdictions (especially orthodox) and the request of archbishop Jones, is that we must have an election – as a college of bishops – to elect a new Patriarch. Until that time, archbishop Jones, as the co-adjutor of record, stands as the Archbishop in charge. I urgently request that – collectively – by e-mail or conference, put forth the name(s) of potential individuals that would lead the CCC, co-ordinate its jurisdictions; establish routine monthly reporting requirements and maintain the integrity and position of the CCC in the worldwide Catholic Community. With all Apostolic Blessings and Prayers, The Most Rev. John P. Walzer, D.D. [cc: Chancelor D. Brueggemann,J.D.]"
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