segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2012

Concílio Mundial.

Sunday, August 12, 2012 TO: All clergy and friends of the CCC world-wide FROM: Augustine I, Patriarch CCC SUBJECT: Report of CCC Council 1. Our Bishop of Brazil requested an Anglican connection such as we have with our "partners in Ministry",Bishop John Marshall of the Anglican Diocese of Texas. The Anglican Diocese of Texas has an intercommunion agreement with the AEC (Anglican Episcopal Church) and the North American Anglican Conference. The Roman Catholic Church in Brazil is harassing/oppressing the CCC due to it's use of "Catholic" in our name. There is a large population of the Anglican Communion in Brazil. Since part of the aforementioned intercommunion agreement includes the mutual recognition of the validity of orders and Apostolic succession it was thereofore resolved/decided and ordered that Bishop Marshall on behalf of the CCC would become a contact/connection to Brazil as their "Partners in Ministry" and would be so listed on our web-site. 2. There was considerable and lengthly discussion about the inclusion or exclusion of the word "Charismatic" in our name and the inclusion somewhere of "Old Catholic". Upon the Motion made by Bishop Martin Boyle, it was resolved/decided and ordered that our name would read as follows: Catholic Charismatic Church (Old Catholic Succession) 3. Due to much confusion, it was decided and ordered that the "Archdiocese of Saint Mary" and the "Patriarchate of St. John" would no longer appear on our web-site although the corporate entity still exists. The Diocese of Connecticut will remain and a Bishop for Episcopal oversight will be named for that Diocese. 4. The next subject discussed was the Church's Canon/Constitution regarding the selection of a new Patriarch upon the death or retirement of an existing Patriarch. The selection by vote or by succession was discussed in detail and it was resolved/decided and ordered that the succession would remain as stated originally whereby a new Patriarch immediately names his three choices for succession and so notifies all concerned. The first choice is the immediate successor and subsequently the other two follow. 5. The education and background of aspirants for Holy Orders was agreed that each man would be reviewed individually and separately depending on his particular background. The following clergy wrote to be excused from attendance either for medical or financial reasons, but granted their approval via prayers and fasting for whatever decisons we made. They are: Bishop Paulo Lobo of Brazil; Bishop Peter Parvas Patras of Pakistan, (who was unable to attend Friday's council but was in attendance for the ordination and consecration on Saturday); Archbishop Albert Yakana of Cameroon, Africa; Bishop Roberto Coppola of Italy;Archbishop Roger Martinez of the Philippines; Bishop Joseph Veight of New Jersey (CCC world wide Chancellor); Fr. Rich Madsen of Jacksonville, Fla; and Deacon Arif Munir of Pakistan. All others who did not attend or beg exclusion obviously had no input as to the decisions. In attendance were Patriarch Augustine I; Bishop Martin Boyle; Bishop Elect Dwight Irons; Anglican Bishop of Texas, John McClellan Marshall and Deacon Gabriel Farago and the others listed above in abstensia. The ordination of Fr. Gabiel Farago of New Orleans at 9AM Saturday went beautifully and the consecration of our new Bishop of Georgia at 2PM Saturday was well attended and the chief consecrator was Augustine I; the co-consecrators were Bishop Martin Boyle; Bishop Peter Parvas Patras and Bishop John Marshall. Also in attendance was the Reverend David Williams of the Hazardville UMC whose beautiful sanctuary we were allowed to use for our services. We want to thank David and his organist Julianne and the staff of his parish for all their help and assistance. With my Apostolic Benediction, Augustine I, Patriarch CCC.

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