JOSEPH PAUL ARMAND BOUCHER, a man whom he knew to die!
Day 02 of April of 2010, Friday Saint, died the Archbishop Michael, Patriarch of the Catholic Charismatic Church.
He returned the same to the Creator in day that the world celebrated the Death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
Coincidence? Personally I do not believe! I believe that it was a Special Call of God!
I conserve the 71 letters that we change, and the beautiful cards with predictive words.
In it wrote me to an occasion:
“Now since you are a true child of God, you know that with every blessing, a blessing is required!
So bless another, by passing this on.
In the last letter it wrote:
“Most Reverend and Dear Bishop Paulo;
Peace and apostolic benediction.
I have suffered a severe stroke recently and since that time only work and hour or two each day. This time is spent in recruiting priests for God's Holy Church.
I tire very easily and am relatively very weak.
Monsignor Martin is being treated for cancer and will be operated on immediately after Easter.
He too is very limited in what he can work.
Last Tuesday I suffered a heart attack, it was not too severe and I did not require any hospitalization.
With God's blessing the Church is growing in leaps and bounds all over the world as can be seen on our website http://catholiccharismaticchurch.blogspot.com/
This is about all the news that there is for now, hope that you have recovered from your by-pass surgery and that God is blessing you with good health.
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