domingo, 2 de setembro de 2018

September, A.D. 2018

         Quite often we hear people refer to a "guardian angel" who watches over and protects them and their family.  Of course, this leads to the question of just what is the relationship between man and the angels?

         The "relationship" between men and the angels did not get off to the best possible start, as we know from Genesis.  Although he appeared in the guise of a serpent, we know that it was Satan who beguiled first Eve and then Adam.  It is the backstory, as they say, that is important in understanding this event, because it is truly unique in Scripture.  Satan, like the other angels, was and is, an entity created by God to be His messengers from eternity into time, our time.  With the exception of the Book of Job, we find angels who are indeed benevolent "guardians" of, and companions to, our fellow human beings.   After all, Abraham entertains angels "unawares" when he invites them into his tent, and the angel Gabriel announces the coming birth of Our Lord to the Virgin Mary.  In the Book of Revelation the Archangel Michael, the ultimate guardian angel, does battle on behalf of mankind against the forces led by Satan. 

         So, what happened that made Satan what we see in Eden?  Here is an important key to understanding the difference between men and angels.  While we know that God created both men and angels, the difference is that man was created in His image.  That makes man not just unique, but very, very special.  Indeed, while we know that Lucifer, the "son of the morning", was the most beautiful of the angels, he was never going to be as special as the most humble of men.  What I am suggesting is that traditionally we are taught that Lucifer wanted to be on an equal footing with God.  Yet, such a drive on his part, combined with the knowledge that he could never equal man, inspired such envy of mankind that he had to try to dilute its specialness.  Put another way, if he could not be God, he would try to become a man.  Why?

         As was demonstrated in the Garden of Eden, God instilled in His creation, Man, the ability ultimately to choose between good and evil.  An angel, as a messenger, can only deliver the message with the prefatory words "Fear not!"  Lucifer wanted that ability to choose, and when he attempted to exercise it, he was cast out of Heaven to become Satan.  Man, on the other hand, emerged from the Garden to walk through this world with angels at his side to help him choose his way God-ward.  My brothers and sisters, it is that specialness that comes from having been created in His image that allows us to climb Calvary on our way to being with Him.  Enjoy the specialness that is your humanity.  It is God's gift to each of us.


                                                        Pax et beneficia servi populi Dei

                                                                   ++ JOHN MARSHALL