sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008


SUCESSÃO APOSTÓLICA VÉTERO-CATÓLICA: PETER, LINUS, CLETUS, CLEMENTE... ...James Banks,consagrou: Matthew Cooper, que com Mar Phillipus, consagram: Ignatius Carolus(*), consagrou: Andre Barbeau - Arcebispo Primaz do Quebeque, consagrou: ++Michael - Patriarca da CCChurch-N.H.-USA, consagrou: +Rogèrio Campos-Primaz do Brasil(**), consagrou: +Alexandre Maia-Bispo coadjutor(***), ordenou: Paulo Bacalháo de Barros Lôbo (****) – CCChurchBrasil. (*) Ignatius Carolus, pelos Bispos que o Consagraram, recebeu também as Linhas Ortodoxas. (**) O Bispo Rogério Campos foi afastado da Counhão CCChurch, pelo Patriarca Michael. (***) O Bispo Alexandre Maia assumiu a Primazia do Brasil, elevou o Padre Paulo Lôbo ao Monsenhorato. O Patriarca Michael emitiu o Mandato de Consagração, ao Bispo Eleito Paulo Lôbo. Dom Alexandre Maia, retirou-se da Comunhão da CCChurch. O Bispo Eleito Paulo Lôbo foi consagrado por Dom Frei José Souto da Igreja Católica Apostólica Cristã Tradicionalista de Maceió – Alagoas para a Catholic Charismatic Church de New Hampshire-USA, da qual recebeu do Patriarca Michael o Certificado de Bispo Primaz do Brasil para a CCChurch e também o Certificado do Título de Doutor em Divindade, tornado-se assim, +DOM PAULO LÔBO.DD – BISPO PRIMAZ PARA A CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC CHURCH NO BRASIL. LINHA DE SUCESSÃO APOSTÓLICA ANTIOQUINA: PETER, EVODIUS, IGNATIUS, AARON... ...IGNATIUS PETER III, consagrou: Mar Julius, consagrou: Mar Pelagius, consagrou: Mar Teophillus, consagrou: Mar Leon, consagrou: Mar Andries MacLaglen, consagrou: Mar Jacobus II, consagrou: Mar Basilius Abdullan III, consagrou: Mar Gregorius I (#), consagrou: Mar Johannes, consagrou: Mar Philippus, consagrou: Ignatius Carolus(*), consagrou: Andre Barbeau, que com os co-consagrantes Andre LeTelier, Jean Marie Breault e Donald Lock, consagraram: o Bispo Michael (J. Paul A. Boucher), consagrou: +Rogèrio Campos-Primaz do Brasil(**), consagrou: +Alexandre Maia-Bispo coadjutor(***), ordenou: Paulo Bacalháo de Barros Lôbo (****) – CCChurchBrasil. (*) Ignatius Carolus, pelos Bispos que o Consagraram, recebeu também as Linhas Ortodoxas. (**) O Bispo Rogério Campos foi afastado da Counhão CCChurch, pelo Patriarca Michael. (***) O Bispo Alexandre Maia assumiu a Primazia do Brasil, elevou o Padre Paulo Lôbo ao Monsenhorato. O Patriarca Michael emitiu o Mandato de Consagração, ao Bispo Eleito Paulo Lôbo. Dom Alexandre Maia, retirou-se da Comunhão da CCChurch. O Bispo Eleito Paulo Lôbo foi consagrado por Dom Frei José Souto da Igreja Católica Apostólica Cristã Tradicionalista de Maceió – Alagoas para a Catholic Charismatic Church de New Hampshire-USA, da qual recebeu do Patriarca Michael o Certificado de Bispo Primaz do Brasil para a CCChurch e também o Certificado do Título de Doutor em Divindade, tornado-se assim, +DOM PAULO LÔBO.DD – BISPO PRIMAZ PARA A CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC CHURCH NO BRASIL. (#) GEORGE DE WILLMOTT NEWMAN, Patriarca de Glatonbury, conhecido como GEORGIUS I, está dentro das Linhas de Sucessões Apostólicas (confirmadas por IVES CONGAR, em 1954): 1. SYRIAN ANTIOCHENE; 2. ARMENIAN UNITATE; 3. ORDER OI CORPORATE REUNION; 4. OLD CATHOLIC; 5. SYRIAN MALABAR; 6. CHALDEAN UNITATE; 7. SYRO CHALDEAN; 8. AFRICAN ORTHODOX; 9. ANGLICAN; 10. NONJURING.

segunda-feira, 18 de agosto de 2008

The Catholic Charismatic Church of Canada

History of the Charismatic Catholic Church of Canada Patriarch André Barbeau founded the Catholic Charismatic Church of Canada in the 1960’s. He was born on November 22, 1912 in Delaware City, Delaware, USA. He became a lifelong resident of Canada and was ordained a Roman Catholic priest on November 21, 1940. He served in that capacity for over 25 years in the Archdiocese of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.The Catholic Charismatic Church of Canada was a response to the modernism that was being felt in the Church and to statements in the reports of Vatican II, inviting new rites and patriarchies. The CCCC was conceived as such an undertaking, a progressive-conservative patriarchy: a new stem of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. There are many Catholic Rites throughout the world, many of which are united under the Pope: the Melkite Catholic Church, the Ukrainian Catholic Church, the Syriac Catholic Church, just to name a few. There are also Catholic Rites which are not in communion with the Pope but which are considered to be “valid”, having true unbroken apostolic succession and thus true sacraments. The Old Catholic Church, the Old Roman Catholic Church, the Polish National Catholic Church are a few of these.Father Barbeau started the Cité de Marie in the early 1960’s with the help of Father André Le Tellier. Things proved very difficult with much pressure to end the ministry. However, guided by the Holy Spirit, they remained firm and continued to answer their call. In this light, after being consecrated by pro-uniate Old Catholic bishops in Europe, Archbishop Barbeau founded the Catholic Charismatic Church of Canada “to assist the Roman Catholic Church in its mission as a supplemental rite.” Father Le Tellier was also consecrated a bishop. With the founding of the CCCC, Archbishop Barbeau became known as Patriarch André I. Immediately, after the Church's establishment, Patriarch Barbeau petitioned the Pope regarding the status of the rite.Patriarch Barbeau passed away on February 14, 1994. His successor is Patriarch André II, formerly known as Archbishop André Le Tellier, who was installed in February of 1994 in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the Cité de Marie. Patriarch André II assisted Patriarch André Barbeau from the beginning of the CCCC and served as Coadjutor Bishop with rights of succession. In matters of faith and morals, the Catholic Charismatic Church of Canada observes the teachings of the Roman Church। The Catholic Charismatic Church of Canada seeks to preserve a proper freedom by focusing itself as an avenue for ministering to Catholics who find themselves unchurched for a variety of reasons. It is also ecumenical and seeks to promote unity by welcoming people of various religious traditions who are searching for a spiritual home. The Catholic Charismatic Church is a sacramental church and seeks to promote the truth of the Gospels as such. The CCCC expresses the body of Christ in caring, non-legalistic, pastoral communities.
Apostolic Succession in theCharismatic Catholic Church of Canada Cardinal Scipione Rebiba, Bishop of Troia,who on March 12, 1566 consecratedGiulio Antonio Santorio, Archbishop of Santa Severina,who on September 7, 1586 consecratedGirolamo Bernerio, O.P., Bishop of Ascoli Picenowho on April 4, 1604 consecratedGaleazzo Sanvitale, Archbishop of Bari,who on May 2, 1621 consecratedLudovico Ludovisi, Archbishop of Bologna,who on June 16, 1622 consecratedLuigi Caetani, Roman Catholic Titular Patriarch of Antioch,who on October 7, 1630 consecratedGiovanni Battista Scannaroli, Titular Bishop of Sidonwho on October 24, 1655 consecratedCardinal Antonio Barberini, Bishop of Frascati, who as Archbishop of Rheimsconsecrated on Nov. 12, 1668Charles Maurice LeTellier, Coadjutor of Rheims,who September 21, 1670 consecratedJaques Benigne Boussuet, Bishop of Meaux,who on October 24, 1693 consecratedJaques Goyon de Matignon, Bishop of Condon,who, by mandate of Pope Clement XI, on Feb. 12, 1719 consecratedDominicus Marie Varlet, Bishop of Ascalon who on Oct. 17, 1739 consecratedPetrus Johannes Meindaerts, Archbishop of Utrecht,who on July 11, 1745 consecratedJohannes van Spithout, Bishop of Haarlam,who on February 7, 1768 consecratedGualterus Michael van Neiwenbuizen, Archbishop of Utrecht,who on June 21, 1778 consecratedAdrianus Johannes Brockman, Bishop of Haarlam,who on July 5, 1797 consecratedJohannes Jacobus van Rhijn, Archbishop of Utrecht,who on November 7, 1805 consecratedGisbert Cornelius de Jong, Bishop of Deventor,who on April 24, 1814 consecratedWillibrod van Os, Archbishop of Utrecht,who on April 22, 1819 consecratedJohannes Bon, Bishop of Haarlam,who on June 14, 1825 consecratedJohannes van Santen, Archbishop of Utrecht,who on July 17, 1854 consecratedHerman Keylamp, Bishop of Deventor,who on August 11, 1873 consecratedCasparus Johannes Rinkel, Bishop of Haarlam,who on May 11, 1892 consecratedGerard Gul, Archbishop of Utrecht,who on April 28, 1908 consecratedArnold Matthew Harris, Regionary Bishop of Great Britain,who on Oct. 28, 1914 consecratedFrederick Samuel Willoughby, Bishop of Britain,who on July 9, 1922 consecratedJames Bartholomew Banks, Bishop of Windsor,who in 1924 consecratedMatthew Cooper, Bishop of Greenwich,who on Jan. 31, 1954 consecratedCharles Brearly, Bishop of Yorkshire, later elected Archbishop,who on May 14, 1968 consecratedAndre Barbeau, Archbishop of Quebec, who on May 24, 1968 consecratedAndre Letellier, Coadjutor of Quebecwho on May 31, 1997 consecratedRaymond Contois, Bishop of Brimfield